Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Reality Cheque Launches KickStarter for Badass Zombie Killers Card Game

Reality Cheque, in partnership with Skortched 'Urf Studios, has launched a KickStarter project to get a new card game, Badass Zombie Killers, completed and published.

The game is designed by Lee Garvin, creator of Tales From The Floating Vagabond and Skirmisher Publishing's The Noble Wild.

It is a fast-paced game of one-ups-manship and backstabbing, wherein you try to build the most Badass weapon you can while preventing your opponents from doing the same. When the Zombies arrive, the game is over, and the most Badass wins.

Aethercon: A Virtual RPG Convention

Grab your virtual dice bags folks and mark down November 16-18, 2012 on your calendar, as the AetherCon Online RPG Convention is coming to your computer! Best of all, it’s FREE!

We will be featuring tabletop RPGs of all types throughout the weekend, highlighted by four three-day tournaments of Pathfinder Call of Cthulhu, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, and Shadowrun. Game tables will be run on the powerful, yet easy to use, Roll20 browser-based virtual tabletop. Learn more with the Roll20 tutorials and the Roll20 Live Stream.

Additionally, we will have a Vendor’s Hall, a Fest Hall (featuring one-hour moderated chat room Q&As with pairs of industry guests) and an Artist’s Enclave. We will be releasing free downloadable wallpapers, from our supporting artists, throughout the months leading up to the con.

Members of the Artists Enclave currently include Paul Abrams (TSR, CGL); Alex E. Alonso Bravo (DC Comics, Pixar, AEG); Brent Chumley (AEG); Jon Gibbons (AEG, PEG, Minion Games); John L Kaufmann (CGL); Eric Lofgren; (Paizo, White Wolf, Mongoose Publishing), Chris Malidore (Fantasy Flight Games, PEG), Patrick McAvoy (WotC, AEG, Fantasy Flight Games), Brad McDevitt (Chaosium, CGL, Battlefield Press), Jesse Mead (Fantasy Flight Games), and Aaron B. Miller (WotC, AEG, Open Design) among others.

You can find our current collection of wallpapers here:

Confirmed guests to date are Steven ‘Bull’ Ratkovich (CGL), Wedge Smith/Doug Bush (Chronicles of the Void), James Sutter (Paizo), and Lawrence Whittaker/Pete Nash (The Design Mechanism).

We have also been fortunate to have recruited Ryan Costello Jr (Paizo, 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming, Super Genius Games, Kobold Quarterly, 3.5 Private Sanctuary) to our staff as Guest Coordinator.

Game publishers to date confirmed as taking part in AetherCon, either through prize support, supplying guests, or taking a vendors booth include:

Battlefield Press, Catalyst Game Labs, Chaosium, Chronicles of the Void, Flying Buffalo Inc., Kenzer and Company, Paizo, Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Skirmish Publishing LLC, Stardust Publications, Sundered Epoch The Design Mechanism, Third Eye Studios and Vigilance Press.

Be sure to visit our websites and show your support for AetherCon via Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Skirmisher Releases ‘Wisdom from the Wastelands #14: Aggregates’

Skirmisher Publishing LLC is proud to announce the release of Wisdom from the Wastelands Issue #14: Aggregates! It is written by Derek Holland and Chris Van Deelen, authors of multiple multiple Mutant Future supplements, and is available through online venues that include DriveThruRPG.

Having another creature living on or inside your body is not a thought most would enjoy. Nor is the idea of having the same type of creature living inside a child and grandchild, joining generation after generation, until, over time, the two species gradually merge. But, this already happens. Humans and termites rely on intestinal bacteria to aid digestion, lichen are the synthesis of fungus and algae, and mycorrhizae are vital fungal symbionts in plant roots. Aggregates are composite creatures that result from the changes that develop from a host and a symbiont living as one. Rather than one individual host creature being infected by a single parasite, the aggregation process describes how two species merge over generations. Many aggregates do not survive the initial infection or bonding process, and it is only through large numbers of the host species and symbiont species combining that a new species eventually develops.

This publication is dedicated to providing useful information, game content, and ideas to players of modern, science fiction, and post-apocalyptic table-top and role-playing games in general and to fans of Goblinoid Games’ Mutant Future RPG in particular. The rules contained herein are compatible with it and any others that use the “Basic” system introduced in the most popular role-playing games of the early 1970s and are easily adaptable to many other games (especially successor systems, to include those covered by the Open Game License).

Our goal is to release a new thematic issue of this publication every other week and to have it contain a variety of useful and earnest information that will inspire Game Masters and players alike and provide them with things that they can immediately plug into their games. We very much hope you will find this and subsequent issues of the Wisdom from the Wastelands to be useful and enjoyable!