This installment describes those iconic defenseworks that can be used for everything from observation to reinforcing walls to serving as classic homes for wizards. Contents include:
* An introduction to the idea of towers, why people build them, and how they are perceived;
* Various functions of such structures;
* How to consider the most suitable uses for towers in your game;
* Typical locations for towers;
* Floorplans and description for a sample three-level Wizard's abode, the Tower of Aloysius Wormsthram Severstrom; and,
* Floorplans and description for a sample military structure, the four-level Watchtower of the Kithairon Mountains.
This book has no specific setting and is designed to accommodate any technological era that one is likely to encounter in a fantasy campaign setting, from the Stone Age, through the Ancient and Medieval periods, to the Renaissance. It is also fully bookmarked and hotlinked and designed to be printer-friendly and easy-to-use. We very much hope you will enjoy it!