Song of Drums and Shakos, the fast play napoleonic skirmish rules based on the popular Song of Blades and Heroes system, are available as a $8 PDF or as a $14.99 printed book. To order the pdf, send a $8 paypal payment to andreasfiligoi@gmail.com or buy it direct from sites such as wargamesvault.com, sabersedge.com and others. The printed book is available on www.lulu.com/songofblades. More e-vendors will list it in the next few days.
- Three scenarios included
- Simple, elegant system where your tactical decisions matter
- Playable in any scale with single based models
- All major troop types represented: 160+ profiles (French, British, Prussian, Russian, and Austrian)
- Easy measuring system
- No bookkeeping
- Point system for building up your Squad
- Play with as little as 5-6 elite to 20 inexperienced soldiers in a standard game
- Playable on a small table (60×60 cm for 15mm)
- Simple yet subtle command system, with Officers and NCO
- Two or more players, 30-45 minutes for a full game
- Ideal introductory rule set to small actions in the Napoleonic Era.